English and Hindi language laboratories have been established to develop communication skills,including public speaking of our learners.

Our digital English Language Lab is fitted with ultra-modern audio-visual systems. Its authentic materials and software of natural English provide

excellent training in accent neutralization and correct pronunciation, including stress and intonation.

Here the learners can prepare and practise for ASL and various inter- national examinations of English.

Nevertheless, at RWA, we believe the real language lab is the world in which our children communicate in real life situations.

Computer & Technology

This is a digital age driven by Computers and Information Technology. Keeping this in mind, we have made all possible arrangements to provide updated and useful computer and IT knowledge and skills to our learners, including the skills of coding, application development, games

development through the latest computers that are networked, secure and Wi-Fi enabled.

We envisage a learning environment that will be fully digital and gadget driven soon and we are all geared to adopt that change. Our top priority is to make our learners highly techno-savvy so that they are on a par with any international school student in the world. The school has launched facilities for videoconferencing, interactive smart screen and boards, biometric, SMS alerts, and online lessons.

All these facilities, however, will not replace a real human teacher

Artificial Intelligences, Art Integrated, sports integrated & storytelling. Experiential Learning is practised for long lasting outcomes. Artificial Intelligence, Coding and Design Thinking is an essential part of the curriculum that promotes technology , organic living & environment education and Bio-diversity parts

Bio-Diversity Park

This is an age of ecological awareness and conservation. To make the learners value the importance of flora and fauna in human life and make them responsible users of eco-systems and natural resources, the school has established a bio-diversity park which consists of a spacious. Green House and a chain of aesthetically designed Botanical Gardens.

This great facility will make the study of Biology, Botany and Horticulture a rewarding experience for our learners.

Digital Language Lab

English and Hindi language laboratories have been established to develop soft communicative skills, including public speaking, of our learners.

Our digital English Language Lab is fitted with ultra-modern audio-visual systems. Its authentic materials and software of natural English provide excellent training in accent neutralization and correct pronunciation, including stress and intonation.

Here the learners can prepare and practise for ASL and various international examinations of English.

However, at RWA, we believe the real language lab is the world in which our children communicate in real life situations.

This is the digital age and computers and Information Technology drive it. Keeping this in mind, we have made all possible arrangements to provide contemporary computers along with IT knowledge and skills to our learners, including the skills of coding, application development, gaming and games development.

We envisage a learning environment that is fully digital and gadget driven soon, and we are all geared up to adopt this change. Our top priority is to make our learners so much tech-savvy that they are on a par with any scholar from an international school .

The school has launched such facilities as videoconferencing, interactive smart screen and boards, biometry, SMS alerts, and online lessons.

All these facilities, however, will not replace a real human teacher.

This is an age of ecological awareness and conservation. To make the learners value the importance of flora and fauna and in human life and to make them responsible users of eco-systems and natural resources, the school has established a bio-diversity park which consists of  a spacious Green House and a chain of aesthetically designed Botanical Gardens.

This great facility will make the study of Biology, Botany and Horticulture a rewarding experience for our learners.

Physics Lab

The concepts of Physics appear to be comprehended easily when the students practise in our state of the art Physics Lab. This well-maintained lab offers the students practice of taking measurements, experimenting variety of data and drawing inferences.

Chemistry Lab

Our Chemistry Lab is a testimony of excellence in experimentation for the analytical development of young minds. From basic elementary knowledge of chemical reactions to highly complex chemical experimentations, the school boasts of its well-equipped Chemistry Lab

Biology Lab

To provide a first hand experience of biological researches and to make them realise the importance of Learning by doing, our well-designed, decorated and artistically maneuvered Biology Lab attracts everyone’s attention.

Maths Lab

To provide the learners a platform to learn and understand the mathematical techniques through hands on learning to the most interesting way, our aesthetically. designed Maths Lab is the centre of attraction for everyone. The Computational Thinking is improved through puzzles and games in Maths Lab 

Science Composite Lab

Our composite lab is a unique blend of paraphernalia related to Physics, Chemistry and Biology. The students upto class X regularly visits the lab and satisfy their curiosity through experimentation.

Social Science Lab

Learning and understanding of Social Science have now become quite easier as the Social Science Lab has changed the students’ perspective on this subject

Graphical and Pictorial presentations on the walls of Social Science Lab not only edify the spectators but create “Willingness to Learn”

Commerce Lab

The lab has been established with an aim to provide practical knowledge of procedures of banking, latest accounting models, online working of share markets, latest developments in commerce and industries, economic policies and other commercial activities that are proved to be catalyst for a commerce student.


Geography Lab

Designed aesthetically and equipped with latest technologies, the Geography Lab of the school is the venue of great interest for the children. The planetarium and the museum housed in the lab attains a great significance for the students. They conduct their GIS practicals under the able supervision of their guide.


Kids Play Area

Teaching –Learning is interactive, across the table with a curiosity drive. The learning is based on fun. Kids enjoy bagless school days (Learning by Fun) 


A fully acoustic, air conditioned and meticulously designed school auditorium is the Centre of Stage Activities conducted by the school. Fitted with sophisticated sound system, ultra modern gadgets and impeccable safety system, the school auditorium accommodates a gathering of around 600 spectators.


The school radiates pride for incorporating the Health and Wellness Club the the school in order to sensitize the students towards good physical and mental health, and to create awareness towards personal hygiene, community sanitation and environment protection through plantation. The club organises various activities like
*Yoga Sessions
• Light Physical Exercises
• Health Screening of Students
• Imparting Information about various Diseases
• Counselling on Nutrients Rich Food
• Conducting Compulsory Sports Classes
• Organising Workshops on Dealing with Psychological Constraints
• Health Promotion for Staff


Every child is endowed with some inherent talents, which if honed at the incipient age, can do miracles and give the child an edge over others. Keeping the same in view, the school has incorporated various avocation clubs that stimulate in latent talents of the children and provide them with opportunities to excel in life . Moreover the purpose of these clubs is to develop the child into dynamic individual teeming with confidence and a truly responsible native of the world

These activities are an integral part of the School Curriculum

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