1. The school reserves the right to cancel the admission of a student whose performance and progress in studies are unsatisfactory or whose conduct is detrimental to the interest and prestige of the institution.
    2. A student who fails in the same class twice will automatically be removed from the rolls of the school.
    3. Any student caught using unfair means during an examination will not be retained on the school rolls.
    4. In case a student stops attending the school without any prior information to the school authorities, his/her name will be struck off the school rolls after six consecutive days of absence.
    5. Parents are required to give one month’s advance written notice to the school authorities for the withdrawal of their children.
    6. The Transfer Certificate will be issued only after the school’s dues have been cleared for the complete academic session.
    7. The decision of the Principal/school management/ academic council in the matter of promotion will be final and binding on the students and their parents. 

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