Dear Parents

In order to achieve the common goal of satisfactory education of your child, here are a few vital instructions for you to follow. Kindly read them carefully.

  1. Submit the required certificates, photos, and other required documents (SLC, DOB, Certificate, Aadhar Card etc.) in time to avoid any inconvenience
  2. Ensure prompt payment of the school dues to save your child from any unnecessary embarrassment
  3. Do maintain a systematic record of all the fee receipts, Exam Report Card, Merit Certificates, photo album issued and correspondence made by the School Office
  4. Inform the School Office in case of any change in the correspondence address
  5. Ensure that you exclusively bear the expenses on clothes, books, stationery and their maintenance
  6. Solicit leave for your child only when it is almost unavoidable and produce a valid proof for justifying your claim
  7. Don’t distract the attention of your child for honouring social obligations/commitments during the period of studies
  8. Note that if your child stops attending the school without any prior information, his/her name will be struck off the school rolls after six days of continuous absence
  9. Meet the subject teachers of your child after every examination to acquaint yourself with his/her latest progress and sign the Result Sheet compulsorily
  10. Keep your child constantly motivated for serious studies as it supplements regular teaching and effective learning
  11. Check the child’s Student Diary to have a fair assessment of his/her performance. The instructions meant for parents in the diary must be complied with. Remember that the parents and the school equally share the responsibility of ensuring the child’s steady progress in studies
  12. Treat yourself as a vital link between your child and his/her teachers
  13. Don’t give your child costly articles such as Watch, Golden Chain/Ring, Bracelet, Camera, Video Game, Mobile Phone, etc otherwise he/she will have to face the strict disciplinary action
  14. Approach the School Office to get prompt solutions to any problem concerning your child. Never get into an argument with any teacher/office clerk/any other employee
  15. Trust your child’s version of a particular event only after having been verified by his/her class teacher or the Principal as the case may be
  16. Never offer any gift to any school employee
  17. Never criticize your child publicly
  18. Always appreciate your child for his/her moral encouragement
  19. Avoid comparing your child with others as it breeds negativity
  20. Try to understand the genuine problems of your child and solve them promptly
  21. Never criticize any teacher in the presence of your child because it is bound to tarnish the teacher’s image in the eyes of the child
  22. Keep in mind that smoking, drinking, carrying arms, mobile phones etc. are strictly prohibited on the school campus
  23. Keep yourself abreast of the progress made by your child in academic and other activities
  24. Motivate your child to have a positive attitude and also caution him/her to shun all tempting distractions
  25. Do understand that your keeping a close rapport with the teacher will stimulate your child’s all round growth
  26. Have faith in the abilities of your child and persistent endeveours made by the school for betterment of your child
  27. Ensure your ward’s regular attendance at school as it helps the child understand his/her lessons, remain active & be disciplined
  28. The parents have to submit all the documents required by the school including the evidence that proves the bona fide parenthood / guardianship of the parents at the time of admission.
  29. Rendering false or misleading information or withholding correct information may disqualify the child for admission/ education in the school.
  30. The parents must go through all the rules and regulations of the school given in the prospectus, student’s diary, admission form and the school website and abide by them throughout the child’s stay at the school
  31. The parents have to submit the Fee Acknowledgement Form and deposit the fee well before the 10 of every month.The fee once submitted will not be adjusted or refunded.
  32. The fee structure may be revised by the school as per the increase in living index or government policies
  33. The parents shall all arrangements for inoculation against Typhoid, COVID, Cholera , Hepatitis, etc
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